Plot Wait-List: 2025 ENROLLMENT IS OVER  – Adelphi Acre Community Garden
Plot Wait-List: 2025 ENROLLMENT IS OVER 

Plot Wait-List: 2025 ENROLLMENT IS OVER 

Open enrollment for 2025 is officially over. However, outside of the traditional enrollment period we may occasionally have open plots come up during the year so please continue to signed up for our wait-list, you will receive an email offering you a plot when your name has reached the top of the list. Bear in mind that we maintain the wait-list on a first come first served basis as these plots become available. Plots are 4′ x 12′ x 1′, and the annual fee is $40, which goes towards the water bill.

IMPORTANT: Please whitelist the following email address so you don’t miss any important emails about your position on the wait-list and future membership availability:

  • adelphiacre@gmail.com


If you are a new-to-us gardener looking for a plot assignment, please read carefully!  Plots are leased on a yearly basis beginning in March and ending in February of the following year, when they are either renewed or released. After we register returning gardeners, we open up remaining plots to people on our wait list. Occasionally plots may become available during the year if a member has voluntarily released, or their membership has been revoked for a compliance violation, or the plot has been abandoned.


  1. Two [2] hours of Community Service time (per plot per month) must be given to participate in the Adelphi Acre Community Garden Program. These service hours can go towards either the maintenance of common areas in the garden or administrative tasks and DOES NOT include time spent on maintaining your personal plot and the 2’ perimeter around your plot. The community service hours are non-negotiable and part of the gardens License Agreement with the City of Austin.
  1. AACG has a priority placement on the wait list for those within a 3 mile radius of the garden. Beyond the radius all requests are addressed on a first-come, first-served basis. Please check your address in the map link provided to determine whether you fall inside or outside the priority zone, and be sure to indicate this in the form request.
  • Read the AACG Membership Rules as they will be enforced. Then ask yourself, is Community Gardening for me?

After checking your address here: AACG 3 mile Priority Area, please fill out the form below to join our wait list.