Mission Statement – Adelphi Acre Community Garden
Mission Statement

Mission Statement

The Adelphi Acre Community garden is dedicated to bringing sustainable agriculture to the North Austin area. To reach this goal, we strive for the following:

    1. Provide opportunities for local residents to garden and grow organic and sustainable crops.
    2. Promote, educate and disseminate information about safe, sustainable – local food production and organic gardening techniques.
    3. Beautify the neighborhood and provide social gathering space and landscaping that incorporates native and adapted, drought tolerant plants.
    4. Providing social events to bring together local gardeners and neighbors such as potlucks, community workdays, harvest shares, or farmers markets, to support the garden. The ultimate goal is to create a greater sense of community through our shared love of local organically grown food.
    5. Provide opportunities for youth groups to take part in ‘hands-on’ learning about sustainable food, healthy lifestyles, and nutrition. Plots will be set aside for local pre-schools, or scouting groups to maintain with direction of the Garden Coordinator and Education Outreach Coordinator, who will organize field trips, planting and harvest events as well as other educational programs.
    6. Help foster a greater sense of community by involving the local neighborhoods and volunteer organizations in creating permanent features of the garden such as common area features, native perennial gardens, and other forms of local artworks.
    7. Give back to the community by participating in programs such as “Share the Harvest” that set aside a portion of the harvest for local food banks in need of local, unprocessed foods.
    8. Provide workshops and education opportunities for families, individuals and children on a variety of topics including, but not limited to: nutrition, gardening techniques, composting, healthy food preparation and other topics of choice.